
Message from the Chair

Linda Peterson

Dear Supporters of UC Santa Cruz,

As a proud 1970 alumna of UC Santa Cruz, I am honored for the opportunity to serve as the Board Chair of the UC Santa Cruz Foundation for the next two years.    

For almost 50 years, Trustees have partnered with the University leadership to advance the goals of the University and help it raise and steward philanthropic funds. As volunteer leaders, the Foundation Trustees devote their time, wisdom, and personal financial support to benefit the University. Trustees serve as ambassadors and advocates for the University.  They support initiatives ranging from Coastal Sustainability to Humanities to Innovation and Entrepreneurial Development and many more.  

My personal reason for serving as a Trustee comes from my desire to see other first-in-family students have the opportunities I had, including not needing to incur debt  When I came to the campus in the Fall of 1966, state funds covered almost every dollar the UC Santa Cruz needed to operate so there was no tuition, only a very small quarterly fee. Today, the costs of attending the University, including room and board and books and supplies, can be a financial barrier for many students, even  for those who receive tuition assistance through CAL Grants. Because of this, I have given to, and pledged to, support the University’s Student Success Initiative, which seeks private funding to reduce financial barriers, help students navigate campus life and promote opportunities beyond the classroom. 

I encourage you to explore this website to learn more about the UC Santa Cruz Foundation and the many ways, including through the Student Success Initiative,  you can contribute to the continued success of the University’s scholars and students in  advancing human knowledge, social justice and equity, and practical solutions to address the challenges of the 21st Century.

Yours Truly, 

Linda Peterson ’70
Chair, UC Santa Cruz Foundation Board of Trustees

Learn about UC Santa Cruz Foundation’s mission and purpose.


John Arriaga

John Arriaga

Scott Bennion

Scott Bennion

Janet Buck

Janet Buck 

Laura I. Bushnell

Laura I. Bushnell

Bill Casher

Bill Casher

Beverly Crair

Beverly Crair

Ken Doctor

Ken Doctor

Mary E. Doyle

Mary E. Doyle

James L. Gunderson

James L. Gunderson

Siegmund Gutman

Siegmund Gutman

Paul J. Hall

Paul J. Hall

Kamil Hasan

Kamil Hasan

Shelly Meron

Shelly Meron

Tara Hernandez

Tara Hernandez

Mir Imran

Mir Imran

Raj Kapany

Raj Kapany

Loren L. Kinczel

Loren L. Kinczel

George Kraw

George Kraw

Panda Kroll

Panda Kroll

Frans M. Lanting

Frans M. Lanting

Cynthia Larive

Cynthia Larive

Felix Magowan

Felix Magowan

Anuradha Luther Maitra

Anuradha Luther Maitra

Kumar Malavalli

Kumar Malavalli

Kiran Malhotra

Kiran Malhotra

SB Master

SB Master

Donna Mekis

Donna Mekis

Joanna Miller

Joanna Miller

Richard F. Moss

Richard F. Moss

Linda Peterson

Linda Peterson

Greg Reyes

Greg Reyes

Kathleen Rose

Kathleen Rose

Paul Simpson

Paul Simpson

Garry A. Spire

Garry A. Spire

Loren A. Steck

Loren A. Steck

Susan True

Susan True

Alec J. Webster

Alec J. Webster

Claudia Webster

Claudia Webster

Randolph E. Wedding

Randolph E. Wedding

Distinguished Emeritus Trustees

Distinguished Emeritus Trustee is an honorary designation bestowed on former UC Santa Cruz Chancellors to recognize their leadership and service to the University and to the Foundation, and whose continued guidance and advice are valued and welcomed by the Board.

George Blumenthal
Chancellor, 2007 – 2019

Denice D. Denton 
Chancellor, 2005–2006

Martin M. Chemers
Acting Chancellor, 2004 – 2005

M.R.C. Greenwood
Chancellor, 1996 – 2004

Karl Stark Pister
Chancellor, 1991 – 1996

Robert B. Stevens
Chancellor, 1987 – 1991

Robert L. Sinsheimer
Chancellor, 1977 – 1987

Angus E. Taylor
Chancellor, 1976 – 1977

Mark N. Christensen
Chancellor, 1974 – 1976

Dean E. McHenry
Chancellor, 1961 – 1974

Emeritus Trustees

Emeritus Trustee is bestowed on all former Elected Trustees who have served the Foundation for at least two full terms and upon such other former Elected Trustees as the Board shall determine.  The term of an Emeritus Trustee shall be for life.  

Betsy Adler

Bruce D. Aidells

Sara B. Allen

Brandon Allgood

Jack Baskin (1919–2020)

Narpat Bhandari

Ramesh Bhojwani

Barbara Canfield

C. Diane Christensen

William H. Cilker (1919–2018)

Nell S. Cliff (1934–2021)

Donald Cooley (1923–2024)

Marion A. Cope

Stephen J. Crowe

Richard R. Crowell

Roy Curry

Larry deGhetaldi

David Doshay

Yolanda Dybdahl (1924–2021)

Robert T. Falltrick

Kenneth A. Feingold

Arthur T. French

James W. Fuller

Margaret Lyons Giberson

Theodore C. Goldstein

Allan J. Goodman

Arthur A. Graham

Susan W. Hammer (1938–2020)

Barbara K. Higgins

Harold A. Hyde (1923–2020)

Narinder Kapany (1926–2020)

David Korduner

Lenn Kristal

Burney J. Le Boeuf

Anne F. Neufeld Levin (1936–2015)

Norman Lezin (1924–2018)

Nion McEvoy

Mona Meade

Gail Michaelis-Ow

Stephanie Mills

Gurden Mooser (1914-1999)

Timothy J. Morgan

Lawrence A. Moskowitz

Adam Nathanson

Gary D. Novack

Julie E. Packard

Leon E. Panetta

Leticia Quezada

Patricia S. Rebele

David B. Regan

Patrick G. Riley

Gordon M. Ringold

Vikram Sahai 

R. Tod Spieker

Lynn M. Stegner

Gregory A. Steltenpohl

Edward C. Thayer

Antonio Velasco

Virginia C. Wilson

John M. Woodward

Donald R. Worn

Samuel L. Wright

Last modified: Oct 01, 2024